Management Philosophy
Contribute to society through high-quality, innovative pharmaceutical products
Serve society through our employees
Management Vision
We aim to be an R&D-oriented pharmaceutical company that contributes to the health of people around the world through innovative pharmaceutical products.
Kissei Code of Conduct
We will contribute to the health and medical care of people around the world by providing ethical drugs and other high-quality, innovative pharmaceutical products.
Therefore, based on the following principles, we pledge to respect human rights in Japan and overseas, comply with and adhere to the spirit of all laws and regulations, and act with high ethical standards.
1. We will develop and provide products that are useful to society in all our fields of business. In the pharmaceutical business, we conduct drug discovery R&D and provide a stable supply of high-quality, highly useful drugs with excellent safety and efficacy.
2. We will conduct clinical trials with the cooperation of medical institutions, giving the utmost effort to respecting the human rights of patients, ensuring safety, and conducting trials with scientific rigor.
3. We will provide accurate, scientifically backed information domestically and overseas regarding product quality, safety, and efficacy to ensure the proper use of drugs, and we will promptly collect, analyze, evaluate, and then communicate information after manufacturing and marketing said drugs.
4. We will engage in free competition in a fair and transparent manner. We will also maintain sound and proper relationships with medical professionals, business partners, governments, and administrations.
5. We will work to promote communication with shareholders and society as a whole, actively disclose appropriate information inside and outside the Company, and increase the transparency of corporate activities.
6. We will give due consideration to the protection of personal information and take every possible measure to protect it in light of the progress of advanced information technology.
7. We will respect the diversity, character, and individuality of all employees, aim to increase their ethical standards and abilities, and ensure for them a safe and comfortable working environment.
8. We will take an active approach toward the environment and make efforts of our own volition in recognition that tackling environmental issues is an important matter for all humanity and is crucial to the survival of the Company and its activities.
9. We will engage in social contribution activities as good corporate citizens.
10. We will stand adamantly against antisocial forces that threaten the order and safety of civil society.
11. We will comply with all international rules and local laws when conducting international business. Furthermore, we will also respect local cultures and customs and work to contribute toward local development.
12. We will listen to voices inside and outside of the Company to establish an effective system and ensure corporate ethics are thoroughly enforced. Management, in recognition of its duty to maintain the spirit of this Code of Conduct and to therefore lead in a way befitting of the Code, will take painstaking efforts to disseminate it on a Groupwide basis and make certain it is understood by business partners.
13. If there is a violation of the Code of Conduct, top management will work to resolve any problems, investigate the cause, and make efforts to prevent recurrence. Furthermore, we will disclose information in a timely manner to the public, hold ourselves accountable, clarify the Company’s authority and responsibilities in light of the violation, discipline those responsible strongly, and accept discipline ourselves.